SPUM Youth Conference 2019 "Heavens Ladder"
16th -17th Delegation 19th – 24th Youth Convention 25th -31st Worker/youth Seminar |
Vanuatu Youth Updates2017 National Youth Camp program in Santo – After the youth camp meeting in Fiji, the mission field realized the importance of keeping youth close together. Consequently, in 2017 Vanuatu Mission Field organized an inter – youth conventions that cater youths from different islands in Vanuatu. The outcome of the program was successfully carried out. Therefore, mission field has been decided to have this program as an annual event. This year (2018) it was planned for this program to be held in Malekula Island, our pray that God would help us, as we working together towards this important program at the end of this year 2018.
2017 Highlights
Photo credit: Freddie George and the youth boys
At the end of the program in Santo (Nadawa area) there were 9 (nine) souls most of them are youths gave their lives to Jesus through watery grave and quite number of them also take their stand during the appealing. Hopefully by the grace of God this year (2018) more youths will gave their life to follow Jesus. Vanuatu Mission need support through pray from other Missions under SPUM to pray for our youths.